Killer Grafham Hares Ear Shrimp CODE U128 (s10,12)
GRAFHAM KILLER HARES EAR SHRIMP -This already tried and proven pattern will bag you the Grafham trout-GUARANTEED !
We all now know about the Killer Shrimp invasion of Grafham Water(Cambs). These extra large offerings have had the trout on frenzy alert for months now, and they are still going. This invasion of the Grafham shrimp has become a major food source,high in protein, for the trout. This pattern has been tried and tested already and delivered cracking results.This pattern is tied based on the originals from the water, after we photographed the real thing to make our patterns as close to the real thing as possible. It is guarenteed to catch you these shrimp feeding trout - as we have already done it !! The correct name for this invading shrimp is the dikerogammarus villosus. The shrimps are found very close to the margins and wading is not necessary. Grafhams North Shore,Pylon Point, G Marker, Hedge End and Deepwater point have been the hot spots so far, however this shrimp will now be all over the lake.