16 Fish Average At Rutland ! – FlashAttackFlies

16 Fish Average At Rutland !

Posted by Craig Barr on

As the UK basked in its first high temperatures of the year, many anglers may wait for that next "perfect day's conditions" to venture out again.

My first day out recently was with Peter Scholes, based in Lancashire. Peter has never really got to grips with Rutland on previous visits, and wanted to see how I approach this huge expanse of water.

The warm weather bought out the midges, and this just had to get the fish on the move, and it did. Peter and I headed to the Old Hall Bay, where, as predicted, we were met with rising fish, despite the blue skies and burning sun.

We both set up on floating lines, with teams of nymphs. The fish could only mean one thing - catching them, and we did.

The gentle breeze, warm conditions kept the fly life active for most of the day, and thus, the fish responded most of the day too, as they continued to feed.

A combination of buzzers, nymphs, and fabs took 18 fish for the day.

The next day I was joined by Roy and John, whom had only ever fished Rutland once between them. As the warm weather continued I was confident with the abundant fly life, the fish would continue to feed, therefore making the available to catch with the right set ups.

We started at the Sailing Club, and as predicted the fish were feeding from the off, and it wasn't long until the rods were bending.

Roy was fishing with a Flash Attack team of buzzers, with the "Rutland Hottie" being the stand out fly, presented on a floating line.

John started on a tip line, and he too was into fish quickly.

The day went from good to even better, as the fish were hard on the feed, and we surpassed 20 fish to the boat, including some crackers, like this one.

As like the day before, we fished floating or tip lines, with a mixture of buzzers, nymphs and fabs.

The next day, I was out with Essex based Martyn. As like the day before we headed to the Sailing Club, faced with more light winds and temperatures in the mid 20's. Martyn took this all in his stride as he hit into a fish on his first cast.

I too got in on the action with some quality fish really starting to show .

The fish were high in the water and we found the washing line tactics the best. Candy Fab on the point followed by 3 buzzers. Keeping the flies totally still was key, and just keep the line tort, and wait for the "yank"!

After 2 day's off I was out again, this time with Luton based Gary. Still faced with hot sunny weather, I expected the fishing to continue as it had in previous days - and it did, though things had slowed up a little, as the relentless sun was starting to have a bearing on the fishing.


We managed 16 fish to the boat, I guess not to bad in 27 degrees and bright sun all day. Our tactics had somewhat changed based on previous days as the fish had dropped in the water, so the fab was dropped from the cast, and a team of buzzers was used to get the extra depth, needed to find the fish.

The fish are certainly in the normal yearly "transition" now. With fly life now available more and more frequently, the fish are becoming naturally more active, an even taking the odd dry off the top.

Don't be fooled by the hot sun. Don't just reach for a sinking line in hot weather. Warm weather means fly life, and fly life means fish food. The fish will respond, you just need to locate where. Look for feeding birds, or big bays, this will help locate fish. As the water in the margins start to warm, the fish will naturally migrate to cooler water so open water drifts will come into there own. This has already stared at Rutland. Motoring back to the lodge, we spooked fish through the middle, so the signs are already there that the fish are already out in open water.

If you would like a guided day on Rutland, then simply email Craig at craig@flashattackflies.com  Dates available after the 9th of July.

If you are new to fly fishing, and unsure of fly choice, and what fly to use, and when, then I can help. We can offer fly collections to suit any budget and for  any fishery, barbed or barbless. We will make sure you get flies that will catch you fish, no matter where you fish.

we hope you enjoyed the read

Tight lines





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