Blog — fishing guides
Is this going to be Rutland's best ever season??
Posted by Craig Barr on

I have fished Rutland now for 37 years and I cannot remember fishing like this. Opening day, yes you can fill the boat, however 7 weeks in and it is still delivering fantastic catches, and its showing no sign yet, in slowing ! I have fished Rutland 3 times this week, and my personal average has been 20 fish, and our boat average 33. I never normally mention numbers, however chose to this time round, as I really wanted to get across the fishing that is on offer at the Midland's premier water at this current moment. My first day...
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- Tags: Anglian Water Flyfishing, anglianwaterfishing, craig barr, craigbarrfishing, fishing guides, flashattackflies, rutlandfishing, rutlandguide, rutlandtrout
Lightening Doesn't Strike Twice! It Does At Grafham
Posted by Craig Barr on

It is often said that two days are rarely the same on our bigger waters, and that is very normally the case. After my last visit to Grafham, and the 23 Christmas crackers that we landed, I could not wait to get back for more. Gary Humphrey was soon on the phone wanting some of the action, so the 17th/12 was on !! After some blustery winds the day before, I was pleased to see we had somewhat calmer conditions, albeit a bright blue sky. Some anglers may think these conditions may be far from perfect,...